part 1 part 2


In the teeterboard act, the girls show astonishing banquine skills, creating human pyramids. They use the teeterboard to lift off a person into the air.

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The lantern. Beginning of the 2nd half of show.


Double trapeze is a gorgeous act, two sets of aerial acrobats fly through the air as a flowing song echoes in the bigtop. Alternate act is the ambrella act. A girl juggles Chinese parasols in every possible ways. (Please send us pics of them!)

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Ballet on lights is an ballet act created by Cirque du Soleil, performed on the plastic light bulbs.

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The white spirit, almost transparent, is hanged from the ceiling, and does spirits' dance with her partner.

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Aerial pas de deux is a romantic number with tissues. My favorite act of all time!

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Hoop diving is a traditional Chinese circus' act.

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Skipping ropes with acrobatic performances.

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Rolling on balls. They do backflips on them!

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The wonderful musicians who creates the atmosphere of the show.

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!!! If you have photographs or scans from the newer programmes and acts, please send them in and share with others. Any photos not on this page would be appreciated as well. The address is: !!!

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